Policies and Pricing
Puppy Selection Process
We believe the best human and dog relationships come from matching the right dog personality to the right people. For that reason, we do not promise specific puppies to any clients until after the Litter Evaluation (LER) is complete and the puppy’s temperament and quality has been determined.
The LER is performed by a Certified LER Tester once the puppies reach 8 weeks old. It includes a series of tests and evaluations designed to identify the core traits of the puppy; for example are they submissive, people focused, high drive, etc. The LER will also identify how closely they meet the breed standard and therefore whether or not they would qualify for breeding papers. You can read more about the LER and the tests included in our FAQ.
Using the information from the LER and the information we’ve collected during the 8 weeks of raising the puppies we will present specific puppy options to our clients based on their lifestyle and personality. For example we would not offer the quiet, laid back puppy to the busy household with tons of activities. Similarly we would not offer the high energy, high drive puppy to an older couple looking for more of a couch potato dog. Neither of those scenarios would lead to the type of bond that can be built when the puppy is the right fit. This is why it is critical that when you submit our application or go through our interview process that you are as open and honest as possible. Giving false information doesn’t do you, or the puppy any good.
While matching personalities is one of our top priorities, so is ensuring the Shiloh Shepherd breed continues for many years to come. Therefore we will ensure that any puppy that meets breeding quality standards will be placed in a home where the new owners are looking to help further the breed along with us.
We do our best to provide an appropriate match for each of our clients, but if the perfect puppy is not available in the current litter we will gladly move the client to our next available litter or work with the client to find an appropriate solution.

Puppy Reservations
As mentioned in the section above, we do not take reservations for a specific named puppy, instead we take reservations for personality type, gender, colour and coat information. We do our best to meet all of the clients requests however we cannot guarantee the gender, coat and colour preferences will be available. Our number one priority is always the personality fit between the puppy and new owners.
In order to guarantee a place on one of our litters, we ask that you send in a deposit of $530 CDN (or $400 USD). We normally will begin taking deposits once pregnancy has been confirmed and we have a rough estimate as to how many pups we are expecting. While the deposit does not guarantee we will have a puppy that meets all of your requirements, it does ensure there is a place reserved for you in the evaluations. In scenarios where two clients have similar requests where multiple puppies would be an appropriate fit, we do follow the “first come, first serve” method and will start by presenting the options to the client who submitted the deposit first followed by the second.
Deposits are non-refundable. If an appropriate match is not found in the current litter, we will gladly move the client to another litter of their choice.
We also welcome full prepayments on a puppy to reserve a spot on a litter. The same stipulations apply to prepayments as with the deposits, however full payments will be considered/consulted with puppy options prior to the deposits.

Puppy "Quality" and Prices
We wanted to be clear that no matter the “quality” of Shiloh you purchase, they are all gorgeous and impressive animals and it is important to note that only someone who has studied and trained their eye to see the details of a Shiloh and the Breed Standard will recognize any significant difference. All Shilohs still stop traffic everywhere they go, and ultimately it is their golden personality that will make them the greatest pet you have ever shared your life with. Matching the puppy’s personality to your own personality and lifestyle is the most important factor in creating a rich and rewarding relationship.
Our puppies are priced to match the standardized pricing laid out by our parent club and registration. Since the prices were standardized in United States Currency, we have provided the Canadian equivalent based on the current US to CDN exchange rate.
Included in the purchase price is regular deworming, first round of vaccinations, microchipping and many other benefits you can read about in our FAQ.

Breed Quality
These puppies are exceptional representatives of the Breed in both temperament and conformation. Breed Quality puppies will be expected to contribute to the gene pool once they have matured and have met all of the health testing requirements. These are our future potential champions who should be taken out and SHOWN! These best specimen puppies are only sold on co-ownership agreements and contracts.
Price is $2,993 CDN / $2,250 USD
on co-ownership or breeders agreement
Pet-Upgradeable / Possible-Breed
These puppies have minor conformation faults and therefore did not meet the high standards of Breed Quality, however they are still excellent representatives of the breed. We would like to have these puppies remain available for use in our breeding program once they have met all of their health testing requirements. If all of the upgrade conditions have been met and the puppy qualifies for breeding papers, the contract will be amended to a co-ownership or breeders agreement.
Price is $2,062 CDN / $1,550 USD
Pet Quality
These puppies have some traits that could make the puppy unsuitable for Breeding or Showing per the Breed Standard and may consist of anything that Victory Shilohs believes should not be passed on to future progeny. Some possible fault examples include: slight over/under bite, improper angulation, extremely heavy/lowset ears, long muzzles with inadequate stops, smaller size/fine bone, possible hook tails, etc. The puppy's fault(s) will be listed on the guarantee making this puppy’s guarantee exempt from the specified fault(s).
Price is $2,062 CDN / $1,550 USD